About me and your shooting :)

  • Trust Margo

    With 14+ years as a professional photographer, I’ve been developing the “listening skills” of my eyes in order to capture YOUR uniqueness. With a long-list of clients in Italy, Switzerland and Singapore, I’ve been delighting clients such as Cosmopolitan, Google, l’Officielle, Marie Claire, Bvulgari and countless families with my photographs.

  • The Shooting

    I am all about capturing your family day with relaxed and genuine imagery that reflects who you are as a person/family/couple.

    Don’t expect a stressful day when we’ll take the pictures, my goal is for you to enjoy the shooting as much as the finished photographs.

    We will work as a team. Expect a few messages with thoughts and ideas in the lead up to your family/couple, corporate shooting session in order to make the shooting the unique experience you’ve always dreamt of.

    I'm a bit of a "run-and-gun" shooter. I tend to mix a number of cameras, both film and digital, and I’m open to your suggestions.

  • Made with love


    My pictures bring your emotions and my perspective together into a uniquely crafted visual story, that you will want to watch over and over again.

Be yourself, always - it’s so hard to fake feelings on camera!

One day you’ll look at the photographs and see that smirk, laugh or accidental tear… and in an instant you’ll be back to the day of the shooting, resurfacing those emotions, those memories, that are now forever alive on film.